Happy Holidays and All the Best in 2010

I guess that heading pretty much says it all.  🙂

We are going to take some time off to enjoy the holidays (and hopefully fully recover from this case of shingles!). We, of course, will be thinking about the blog and looking for more great stories and performances. We are also working on ways to make the blog more interesting, more informative, and more fun going forward. If you have any suggestions, please pass them along! We really value your input.

If you have time over the next week, please check out stories and news items we have posted over the past 5 months. Check out the videos, the movies, other blogs listed in the Blogroll, etc. The content is here for you.

We will be posting one more entry in 2009.  It might be the most moving story we have highlighted since we started. And considering the great work being done out there to address a host of serious problems and tough conditions, and in light of some great athletic performances, that is saying something.

Take care and we’ll see you on January 4.

Sab Singh