Wins, Wisconsin, Waste management

The following story from the Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal Sentinel highlights cleaning and recycling efforts done by the Green Bay Packers and other major sports properties in Wisconsin. Great to see the teams, corporations and individuals working together.

The full article can be found at, with an excerpt below.


by Don Walker at the Journal Sentinel

Green is gold at Lambeau; Sports teams discover that recycling is good business

Green Bay — As the last group of fans walked out of Lambeau Field on a Sunday afternoon, the iconic seating bowl looked more like a landfill than the home of the Green Bay Packers.

It was quite a collection the 70,000 or more football fans left behind. Paper cups, plastic beer bottles, straws, plastic drink tops, leftover food, some glass, peanuts, wrappers, game programs, pizza boxes, assorted paper, nacho baskets, even cell phones were scattered about on the concrete floor of each row from top to bottom.

A few hours after the game, as many as 70 volunteers, wearing latex gloves and carrying plastic bags, worked their way around the seating bowl, picking up and bagging plastic bottles and paper that can be recycled.

Each bag was filled three-quarters of the way until another volunteer took the bag and carried it into the stadium concourses where it was loaded on a truck to be taken away to a transfer station and, eventually, a Waste Management recycling center in Germantown.

After that, another crew arrived to pick up the waste. On most game days, the work is not done until 9 p.m.

The effort to recycle and employ other so-called green initiatives throughout Lambeau Field – as well as Miller Park in Milwaukee, Camp Randall Stadium in Madison and, to a lesser extent, the Bradley Center in Milwaukee – represents not only a good business practice for sports teams. Increasingly, it is seen as the right thing to do.

(The article continues at