Marathon organizers get the Gold

The Big Sur Half Marathon on Monterey Bay has recently been awarded gold certification for its creative “greening” of its 13.1 mile event held back in November.  The certification was awarded by the Council for Responsible Sport – a nonprofit committed to raising the level of  environmental and social responsibility in sporting events.

Some of the changes the marathon organizers implemented:

  1. “Virtual goodie bags” – showcasing sponsor and vender products online, oppose a plastic bags filled with papers and brochures
  2. Solar energy – Used solar power for the finish line public address system, timing mats, music and awards stage
  3. Carpools – offered ride sharing options through PickUpPal.
  4. Other – Unclaimed clothes and running gear were donated to the Salvation Army organic food was offered, and runners were encouraged to make donations to offset their carbon footprint of traveling to the race.

This just goes to show that it is really the little things that count.  It does not take that much to help the planet a little, to encourage people to curb the excess just a tad, and to get a gold star in the process.