Running the Good Run (fka Fighting the Good Fight)

The phrase “fighting the good fight” is one that we can all appreciate, the idea that no matter the result, our efforts are noble, and possibly successful. Trying, working hard are the keys.

The New York Times had an article two weeks ago which brought this idea again to the forefront. We just changed the phrase a bit to reflect the sport in focus here, that is, running.

Many of those running today (Nov. 7) in the New York City Marathon were running not just for themselves but for others – other individuals or the memory of individuals, or maybe just in support of causes that help their fellow man and woman. Sports, especially running, has evolved not just as a way to test our skill, determination and resolve, but our hearts and minds and sense of community. Many have expressed such an evolution in maybe the greatest “community” event in the world, the New York City Marathon.

You can find the full article, “Charities Gain Traction in Marathons,” by clicking here, with an excerpt provided below.


Running for charity has been a common way to enter other major marathons for decades — especially in London, where nearly 80 percent of the field of 36,550 ran for charities in 2010, raising $81 million. It is a fairly new phenomenon, however, in New York.

The Blue Card is among 86 charity teams, up from 14 in 2006, when New York started its program. In addition, 104 community charity teams from the New York area will each have 5 to 10 entries. The New York Road Runners, the nonprofit organization that operates the race, estimated that $26.2 million would be raised, about $2 million more than last year’s total and $15 million more than in 2006.

“It’s so compelling,” said Mary Wittenberg, the Road Runners’ chief executive. “The potential we have to have a huge, positive impact on these charities encourages us to be really creative and persistent to increase that impact.”

The full article can be found by clicking here.