Blog Archives

Golf and Fund Raising

The Chronicle of Philanthropy has an article on the efforts of the PGA Tour to do even more in the area of charity fundraising and to let more people know…

Being a part of the solution – Athletes and brain injury research

There was a story last week about 3 current NFL players who have committed to donating their brain and spinal cord tissue after they die to a study working to…

NBA Legends Summit

This is one helluva of an alumni association. Congratulations to the guys for putting on the Summit and for providing ongoing support to its members and the game of basketball….

Like a hole-in-one wasn't enough

The guy also walks away with a million bucks. Nice! I don’t know if I am more surprised by the shot or the fact that there is a Mark Eaton…

Int'l Platform on Sport & Dev – weekly digest

You can join The Platform’s Facebook group at The weekly digest is but one of the great ways to stay in touch with sport and development. You can read…

KaBoom! – A week to play and rally support

KaBoom! has been around for almost 15 years and captures the spirit of play, development and entrepreneurship unlike most others. Its model of community and business partnerships, and the sharing…

The Evolution of the Sport and Non-Profit Relationship

Below is an Opinion piece I wrote that was published this week by Street & Smith’s SportsBusiness Journal. This week’s issue has a special section on Sports Giving Back. You…

Knowing your history and creating a legacy

“A kid from UCLA, one of the O’Bannon brothers, once said, ‘We really owe you,’ ” Lloyd said, “I said, ‘You don’t owe me, but you owe the people coming behind…

Janne Kouri – Giant steps for himself and others

This is a great story (You might need some tissues for it). A quick intro first. Many of the problems out there, whether macro in nature, e.g. global warming, and…

Global Peace Games for Children and Youth – Sept. 21

You can learn more about this global grassroots effort at We have provided an excerpt below. (Excerpt) The Global Peace Games for Children and Youth are an annual event…