Reluctantly…Jordan's Top 23 Plays

Of course, there are plays involving the Knicks and Hoyas.  I think the 1982 shot vs. Georgetown planted the seed for the eventual love/hate conflict I had with Jordan. Or should I say hate/hate/hate/love conflict.  🙂

Amazing plays from an amazing career. You can see them at Here is one from his dunk contest battle with Nique.

[clearspring_widget title=”Michael Jordan Moment 9 – ESPN VIDEO” wid=”4988ad4af3803368″ pid=”4aae348e7eb2bcf2″ width=”384″ height=”216″ domain=””]

One thing you won’t see, and this will be the case with Mr. Favre, are plays from the last couple of years of his career. Guys, gotta know when to let go.