World Cup follow-up: Football for Hope

We have highlighted the Football for Hope centers that were a projected legacy of the 2010 World Cup in South Africa. Well, forget “projected.” It is happening!

The “football for hope” program seeks to promote education on health and children’s rights, peace-building, anti-discrimination, HIV/AIDS and the environment.

In a piece from Voice of America, “Young Footballers Play for Reconciliation, Social Change,” Federico Addiechi, FIFA’s head of Corporate Responsibility says, “”The purpose of Football for Hope is that of using the power of the game, football, in order to address social challenges around the world.” “It’s a movement that was created back in 2005 in order to address those social challenges, in order to make a concrete contribution with the game of football.”

We applaud FIFA for committing to build 20 of these Centers, which not only will have sports fields but also complementary facilities for health care and education. The Centers being built are helping build the next generation of individuals who can change the world for the better.

(c) VOA

To watch the video, Young Footballers Play for Reconciliation, Social Change, please click here.