We highlight a story from my alma mater, Georgetown, which is representative of activity we are seeing with high school and college age individuals. So many from these groups are embracing good works as not as “nice to do’s” but rather as “must do’s”. There are too many gaps in the fabric of society and they must be filled, in some way, by all of us. It is refreshing to see so many of these younger folks building upon the work done by pioneers in the sport and development and social responsibility areas.
From www.guhoyas.com
Sept. 14, 2010
Hoya Champions in Life: Sean Lamont
Lamont works with Dreams for Kids DC
WASHINGTON – Sean Lamont, a senior infielder on the Georgetown University baseball team, does not just become a clutch hitter with two outs in the final inning. He makes a difference in his everyday life as well, working to improve the quality of life of the young people in the Washington, D.C., area.
The non-profit organization that he became involved with is Dreams for Kids DC. The organization’s mission is “to empower young people of all abilities through dynamic leadership programs and life-changing activities that inspire them to fearlessly pursue their dreams and compassionately change the world.”
In trying to accomplish this mission, Dreams for Kids DC focuses on working with at-risk youth and those with disabilities in the metropolitan Washington DC.
The event hosted by Dreams for Kids DC in which Lamont participated was held at the Nationals Park on August 27, 2010. Along with four others from Georgetown, three softball players and an assistant baseball coach, Lamont contributed to bringing fun and joy to the area’s youth.
As he entered the stadium, he marveled at the empty and silent facility, which made him feel as if he were in his own stadium as a player for the Nationals. From the front row seats, Lamont listened as a member of President Obama’s cabinet addressed the volunteers on the pride that he felt being a part of such a noble endeavor to help and inspire the youth in the D.C. area. The day then began with a ceremonial first pitch.
Lamont and his group of kids went underneath the stadium, to the batting cage where the Nationals players try to improve their swing. Working with Rick Eckstein, the Nationals’ hitting coach, Lamont played with the kids and helped them work on their various baseball skills.
The kids were just happy to be there, and Lamont focused most of his energy on playing with the kids and on one-on-one interaction, limiting technical instruction to a minimum. One of the kids stood out in Lamont’s mind because she looked absolutely delighted every time she hit or threw the ball. The day ended with all of the participants gathering in the centerfield for a picture.
Lamont said that it was an unforgettable day, and that he cherished the experience of working with all of the kids. More information on Dreams for Kids DC and how you can help make a difference can be found on dreamsforkids.org.
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