We knew it was going to happen eventually. Yes, Jeremy Lin and the New York Knicks were going to lose a game. They were not going to win the next 36 games and then win each playoff series. Now, everyone can take a deep breath and reflect on what the past two weeks have given us.
(Frank Gunn/The Canadian Press/AP Photo)
We have been lost in a whirlwind of puns and wordplay on Jeremy’s name and background, some good (Linsanity, Lincredible), some not so good (Amasian, Criminal Lintent). We have enjoyed the good wins and great plays by Jeremy and his teammates. We have basked in the glow of the underdog’s story. When it comes down to it, we have been experiencing sports.
Jeremy’s story captures so much of what we love about sports. Its ability to galvanize the attention of all different types of people. I was watching a game recently with a United Nations-like crowd – African-Americans, Italians, half-Chinese/half-Caucasian, Korean, Indian, etc. High-fives were taking place between all of us. We were none of the nationalities at that moment. We were Knick fans and fans of a great story.
So upon this first loss – and there will be others – we acknowledge Linsanity and hope that it continues for us and that every sports fan can have a Jeremy Lin on their favorite basketball, baseball, football, soccer team.
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